FSSC 22000 for Food Safety Management Systems provides a framework for effectively managing food safety and quality responsibilities. FSSC 22000 demonstrates that a robust and effective food safety management system (FSMS) is in place to meet the requirements of regulators, food business customers and consumers.
FSSC 22000 certification Scheme for food and feed safety management systems, is based on ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Systems, technical specifications for sector PRPs (For example Food manufacturing (ISO 22002-1), Catering (ISO 22002-2), Farming of animals (ISO 22002-3), Food packaging manufacturing (ISO 22002-4), Food and feed for animals (ISO 22002-6), Retail and supermarkets (PAS 221), Logistics (NTA 8059 - being developed as ISO 22002-5)) and additional FSSCC Scheme requirements.