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Tourism Quality Management System

ISO 22483 establishes quality requirements and recommendations for hotels regarding staff, service, events, entertainment activities, safety and security, maintenance, cleanliness, supply management and guest satisfaction.

The requirements are applicable regardless of their classification and category, and whether the services are provided directly by internal staff or by a subcontractor.

Benefits of Tourism Quality Management System include

Few of the benefits of implementing TQMS include

  • Increase customer confidence
  • Increasing the quality of services and products
  • Reduce waste and losses
  • Reducing the number of complaints
  • Improve performance, increase productivity
  • Global competition
  • Measure and improve service quality

Consulting Methodology

A proven Tourism Quality Management System development and implementation approach should be used based on project management methodologies. A structured approach should be used for defining project plans, specific responsibilities and verification of results. The result will be a development and implementation strategy that is more efficient and provides for first time compliance or registration to the ISO 22483 requirements.

Following phases are involved in development and implementation of an effective Tourism Quality Management System

  • Development of Project Plan
  • Review and Gap Assessment
  • Process Mapping and Management System Development
  • Management System Implementation
  • Internal Assessment and Management Review
  • Continual Improvement

Benefits of TQMS Consulting include

Best practices and depth of knowledge and experience significantly impacts the TQMS design and ability to meet the organizations’ business goals. An experienced consultant helps your organization live and own the TQMS and operate it at its optimal level.

Following can be some of the benefits of having and experienced consultant for development of management system

  • An effective and reliable management system
  • Increased objectivity and impartiality
  • Reduced number of operational process errors
  • Increasing business opportunities
  • Reduced TQMS development and implementation time
  • TQMS designed to suit the organization and your customers’ requirements
  • Effective system implementation to ease the process of accreditation